We are very proud to announce that at it's conclusion, the 4th Annual Pigeon Classic Charity Event managed to raise a total of $4,735.66 for kids in hospitals and shelters via Child's Play Charity this year!

A little background on this event...
Only three weeks before kickoff, we'd done no planning. Busy work & personal lives were making it look like we might potentially either postpone or even not continue out tradition of picking a charity to raise funds for, something we've done at In The Keep every year since 2018! However... When Jacob Shrader of ZenSports reached out to GelmoSan and myself asking not IF the event was gonna happen, but WHAT we were gonna do, it became clear that we had to do SOMETHING. The silence was broken and we quickly called a meeting amongst key staff and supporters to form a plan.
The result was a very different format to last year's month long eSports-centered drive for Florence Nightingale Foundation. With the support of many of our friends, we created a week long event that crushed last year's total donations - $2629.63 - in just over a week!
Today we want to thank the people who helped, participated, & donated, without whom this event could not have been such as success!
Extra Huge Thanks To...
- Jacob Shrader & ZenSports
- Smango & the Open Arena Competitive community
- Everyone at ZDaemon & the U.S. DOOM & Quake Community
- DJs Greilark & VJTengen
- TheLeatherMushroom
- DOOM & Chess Master DevastatioN
- Clove71, GoodTrouble & the entire Splinterlands community
- Rocket Jump Zone & the Xonotic community
- Caine & the Warfork community
- The Orange Bucket Acting Troupe & Rec Room community
- Major Arlene, BridgeBurner, Kaapeli47, & Hellforge Studios
- Jon of the Shred & Scythe Dev Team
- Wojtek Mroczek & HYPERSTRANGE
- George of 1C Entertainment
- Totos of Cyber Hook
- Void Ink of Limitless Hunger
- 3D Realms
- Zan of Hedon
- Running With Scissors
- Dread XP
- New Blood Interactive
- scumhead
PS: If I have forgotten you... Please don't be mad at me! Just send me a PM on Discord and I'll add ya to the list!
Again... Thank you to everyone! We'll see you again next year! ;)
- Ty "TheMotherload" Brannan